Fluoride Ruling

OMRPWA Customers and Other Interested Parties:

Since the NTP report on the toxicity of Fluoride saying there are no safe levels and the EPA lawsuit ruling that EPA must do it's job and regulate Fluoride as a neurotoxin, there is a renewed interest in getting it out of the water supplies. Many systems around the nation are turning the fluoride feed off after the court ruling. Many more will follow. There has been coverage of the lawsuit in newspapers all over the country.
Here are links to a couple of articles from the Eureka Springs newspaper;
This article reports about the EPA lawsuit plus a little of the fluoridation history in Arkansas:
This article is primarily an interview with me asking for my reaction to a favorable ruling from the EPA lawsuit and the fines charged to us.
It was on June 18, 2015 when we had the big meeting at Western Grove where representatives from each of our customers came to hear the presentation from Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) regarding the mandate that we would be required to add fluoride. A representative from each customer was given the opportunity to express their views. I believe ADH folks were surprised that many of the Newton and Searcy County folks seem to be more knowledgeable about fluoride dangers than the experts from Little Rock. They had been living with excess Fluoride in their ground water systems and joined with OMRPWA to get clean, safe water free of Fluoride. Prior to ACT 197 of 2011 ADH said fluoride was harmful and had to be removed. Then the ill-informed 2011 legislators - under influence of the highly paid Fluoride lobby folks -passed the mandate. After that ADH put on a different hat. Now Fluoride in the water would be good and safe and not dangerous like it was before ACT 197 was passed.
At the conclusion of that meeting the customers were unanimously in favor of carrying their objections as far as necessary to keep our water supply Fluoride free. Even saying that if we did add Fluoride they would not pay our monthly invoices, turn their wells back on, and disconnect from our transmission lines.
I wish to express utmost appreciation to the OMRPWA Board of Directors for standing firm for the wishes of the customers in the County they represent.
It has been a long battle and the war is not over, but we will prevail. Contact your state legislators and ask them to sponsor and support legislation to overturn ACT 197.
Andy Anderson - Chairman
Ozark Mountain Regional Water Public Authority



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